Friday, May 9, 2014

It's true! Dirt is everywhere here!

Well when I quit my job over ten years ago, I thought I'd keep a perfect house!  Ha!  That's a joke!  Who said there was nothing to keeping a house clean!   All those years I worked out of the home, this old house must've been so dirty!   I think we tend to hit the high spots at times!   Who cares!   Ask me if I care!   Well, if you did ask me, I'd say "no, I don't care", but truth is, I care a little bit!  I find myself with all this time on my hands, and I think about cleaning up things some, but I never get around to all I want to do.  Do you?   Maybe someone could give me some hints!   Yes, I read all those articles about de-cluttering, dusting, organizing, clearing the cobwebs, buying those nice containers to store everything in, and all the gadgets that are supposed to make our lives easier.  I have some of them!   I've yet to put that clutter in those nice boxes, and some gadgets are laying around cluttering up the place!   Oh well, tomorrow is another day!